Anthony Ruiz

Hello, my name is Anthony Ruiz and I'm a bold believer in Jesus Christ who is not ashamed of the gospel.

There was a time in my life where I couldn't have spoken those words. See I was ashamed to say I believed in God and that Jesus died for my sins.

I was born in Gilroy California and grew up the first 10 years of my life a good kid I guess you can call it. I was involved in sports and did what a normal kid would do. My parents raised me up with a great upbringing as much as they could. My dad worked hard all his life to support me and my siblings. He was in my life but with work and all the stress of it he was there physically but emotionally he wasn't. He drank and did drugs but kept it from me at least until I was old enough to figure out what he was doing.

When I got into Jr high it all changed smoking weed, drinking, chasing girls, and living the gang lifestyle. Doing what I thought a normal teenager did at least the way the world will portray it. See I didn't think the partying and the gangs and girls would get me in trouble.

All through high school I stopped playing sports and starting to play that street life. By the time I was a sophomore in high school I experimented with as many drugs I can get a hold of. Started to live the gangster lifestyle I was the person who wanted to give my whole life to the gang put it before my family and especially God.

See what's wrong with the world is a sin problem. Sin has impacted our lives so much that we are so blind to what is really right. See I had no control of my life. Sin had all control.

I got heavy into meth usage and was having suicidal thoughts. I had a rope around my neck every day like it was a chain. Hanging from a tree twice and so paranoid from meth I thought everyone was after me. I kept trying and trying to change but it was on my own willpower.

Relapse was a part of my recovery until I let Jesus take it all. I fully submitted and surrendered my life to Jesus and as soon as I did that all hell broke loose to get me back. I was stabbed, my dad got really sick just trial after trial. But I didn't let the enemy distract me I prayed to the Lord daily to guide me through the trials.

The biggest loss I think is when my dad passed away on New Year's Eve 2017. It hurts me but my dad gave his life to the Lord in the early 2000s and he fought his fight and ran his race it's just a temporary separation until I see him again.

 Now I'm running the race and fighting the fight. I am now clean from all drugs and alcohol not living for the gangs but living for Christ.

I'm part of a great Ministry called soldiers of the cross and I won't ever look back I must keep my armor of God on daily ready for battle.