Message From The President

Message From The President
Soldiers Of The Cross (SOTC) is not a recovery ministry. There are many ministries that target and help those who are down and out with nowhere to go, we are not one of them. Our members are housed, employed and engaged in pushing the Kingdom of God through all walks of life including our day-to-day work and our time away from work. Our goal is to encourage men to step down from the throne of their heart and ask Jesus to take a seat on that throne by accepting him as Lord. The Kingdom of God is furthered or “pushed” forward when Jesus takes his seat and becomes the King of a man’s life.

If you’re looking at our website and checking us out, then you’re probably part of one or two major groups of people.
First group.  People who want to see what kind of men we are and what we are up to. They want to see if we are making a difference by pledging our time and money, lives and loyalties to the King of Kings. They have no intention of joining a group of men like ours. In their lives, they have redacted the statements of James in the Bible where he says that faith is action not words. They are comfortable carnal Christians that justify doing nothing by counting their attendance in church as a ministry and a great sacrifice to God. I hope there is something other than curiosity that drove you to our site and maybe you can change how you see things and what it means to serve God.

Second group.  Men who are looking for a group to join and engage the enemy bringing glory to our King. They know that Jesus is coming soon and then the lights will go out, and they don’t want those lights going out without fighting for his Kingdom first. They see our SOTC Tent Revivals, Bible Studies and dinners every Thursday, Prayer tents in town every Monday and Tuesday, Gospel Mission services and Mexico and South American Missions trips as a way to join the fight. We welcome any man who is ready to engage. Come check us out on any Thursday night Bible Study at our clubhouse at 2401 Sylvan Ave. Modesto from 6:30 to 8:30p.m.
There are 120 members of SOTC who will lock arms with any brother who is willing to put God first in their life and further his kingdom while searching for the lost.

In His service,
Ben Hardister, President SOTC