Mission projects

Soldiers of the Cross (SOTC) has many mission’s projects. The term we use “Missions Project” means projects that involve advancing the Kingdom of God through the time, capital and efforts of our men. “Advancing the Kingdom of God” is when our work (missions project) results in someone appointing Jesus to sit on the throne of their heart as their Lord and Savior.
SOTC purchased 5 acres  (2401 Sylvan Ave. Modesto, CA) to replace our old clubhouse that is now being used for a women and children’s one-year recovery center.
Our new clubhouse ministry property allows us to grow in a couple of areas. We now have room to expand our SOTC membership beyond 100 men. We now have room for a world-class gym for our members to fellowship while driving iron, and we also have room to park 600 cars for our summer “Tent Revival.”
In the past SOTC has sponsored their Summer Barn Revivals in the orchard at the Hardister Ranch that held up to 800 in the Hardister Barn. SOTC will now pivot to the site of our new clubhouse where we will have Summer Tent Revivals that will hold up to 3,000 as we expand and push the Light (Jesus) of the Kingdom of God into a darker and darker world. SOTC continues to seek out ways to find the one Jesus is calling and to encourage the one he has already found with brotherhood and accountability.
SOTC Mission Projects are self-funded by the members of Soldiers OF The Cross. We do not solicit donations or funds from outside sources. We believe that God blesses our sacrificial giving, and we reserve those blessings for our members. There are circumstances when others outside of SOTC are led by the Holy Spirit to support SOTC Missions Projects, but they are never asked to do so by us.
SOTC has supplied the funds for well over One Million Dollars in Missions Projects and continues to push towards the finish line when the trumpet sounds. Below is a partial list of the SOTC Missions Projects.
Active Missions
  • Mobilize Love, San Francisco, CA. A mobile church and food ministry in SF Bay Area
  • Living Water International, Water Wells in Central America
  • Modesto Gospel Mission Monthly Service
  •  Modesto Gospell Mission Womens and Children Facility
  • Tent Revival, Special Guest Speaker, SOTC Clubhouse, Modesto, CA
  • Death Row Mississippi State Prison
  • Arizona Indian Reservation Revival
  • Monday Night Prayer at the Clubhouse
  • Moday Night Prayer Tent - McHenry Ave.
  • Tuesday Night Espaniol Prayer Tent
Completed Missions
  • Assembly of God, Bible College in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  •  Seed One, Women and Children Center, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 
  • Seed One, Children’s Center and school, Battambong, Cambodia
  • Construction and Ministry Rancho De Sus Ninos, Orphanage, Tecate Mexico
  • His Way, Community Church land and Building, Stockton, CA
  • Living Water International, Leon, Nicaragua
  • SOTC has purchased 5 acres (2401 Sylvan Ave. Modesto, CA) to replace our old clubhouse that is now being used for a women and children's one year recovery center.
  • Land and Construction for New SOTC Clubhouse, 2020
  • Patnered with "TheMission" to buy and remodel 100,000 sq. ft. building for a Ministry and Childrens Center in Sighișoara, Romania
  • Land and Construction for SOTC, School Of Evangelism, Church, Community Center, Theater and Roller-Skating Rink, Hopkins, Belize
  • Land and Construction for SOTC, School Of Evangelism, Church, Ministry Center, San Pedro, Belize
  • Gym Facilities for SOTC Members and Wives
  • Parking Lot Paved for Tent Revival
  • Hannah's House, Modesto Gospel Mission, Demo Day

Seed One, Women and Children Center, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.... Before&After SOTC

Tent Revivals


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