Ben Hardister

I am the current President of the Soldiers of the Cross Motorcycle Ministry.

I was raised in a Christian home and can’t remember when I didn’t love Jesus. I accepted Him as my Savior at an early age but unfortunately for me, I didn’t continue to follow Him when I got into my teens. Pretty girls, a classic corvette, and cold beer had captured my attention, and sitting in a church pew wasn’t something that attracted me. 

I never stopped loving Jesus and I always gave a portion of my income towards His work but my life was lived for my pleasure and not His. 

I graduated from High School and went into real estate and construction and quickly became very successful. I was able to purchase more of everything including airplanes and real estate, but there was a growing emptiness inside my heart. The people and the parties were growing old and I didn’t like how everybody used everybody else for their own pleasure. I was just as bad or worse than the rest of them and I wasn’t who I wanted to be, but there didn’t seem to be an escape or a way out of how I was living, at least not an easy way out. 

I knew it would take a commitment from me to turn back to God and I knew it would be hard to abandon my way of life and I couldn’t seem to take that first step. There was always a person, place, or thing coming at me from the outside that seemed to keep me away from the change I really wanted on the inside. When there was lots of people, noise, and commotion it was easy to pretend that God didn’t care what I was doing but in the quiet of the night and alone I knew that He did care about what I did and I had a horrible feeling that I was missing my purpose and my destiny for this life. I had no peace.

One day I was driving a new Porsche along the river on my way to an appointment and went past an old Full Gospel Church building that I remember going to as a boy with my parents. I eased off the gas and started downshifting gears and the next thing I knew I was parked in front of the church. Something had drawn me there, I had no plans to go to church that day but there I was. I went inside and to this day I don’t remember much except for the feeling of the orange shag carpet brushing the tears on my face as I bowed at that church altar and asked God to forgive me of my sins and for walking away from Him. I asked God to let me make a difference in the world for Him and I asked Him to keep me away from a life of sitting in a pew doing nothing for Him.

I think it was the fear of sitting in a church pew and doing nothing that pushed me in the wrong direction, to begin with.

Over the years God has honored my prayer to be used by Him to make a difference for His Kingdom. I’ll never be able to finish what He’s given me to do and I keep pressing forward looking to do more while shedding the weight that holds me back. I love this feeling of being a servant of the Most High God and I never want to be anything else. 

I wrote a book called “Faith Without Honor, and dogs that can’t hunt” to encourage others to have faith in Him. I have traveled the world to build up people and ministries in the name of Jesus and being in SOTC is one way that God has answered my prayer to be used by Him.

I’ve made the mistake of thinking that I could take a break from serving God and found out each time that life is empty and cold when you don’t feel the hand of Jesus on your shoulder. I’m thankful to Him for never leaving me or forsaking me regardless of how many mistakes I’ve made by going my own way. The Word says “Like sheep, we have all gone astray” and it’s true, we have. Turn your eyes to Jesus because His eyes have never left you. God doesn’t care who you were only who you are and if you open your heart when He knocks He will show you how much He loves you and give you a future and a hope.

If you need a change in how you’re living and want to know Jesus come to talk to us, we’ll help you find your way to the light and the Cross. 
If you’re a Christian that is following God's Word and want more faith and a closer relationship with God, come talk to us and join in with other Brothers looking to do the same thing. If you have always wanted to use your scooter to glorify God, SOTC is the place. I thank God for a Mother and Father and family that never stopped praying for me and I thank God for my wife and thank God for my SOTC Brothers who pray for me every day.