Eddie Costa

In Memorial .... "FAST EDDIE"
My name is Eddie Costa, JR. I was born December 24/1959 my parents were high school sweethearts and only 15 years old at that time. We lived in a little town called Manteca, CA. on a small dairy.

As a young boy, I enjoyed fishing, hunting just about anything that had to do with being outdoors I even worked as a ranch hand on many dairies. By the time I was 5 years old my dad was allowing me to finish what little bit of beer was left in his cans. Then by the age of 10 every time I would mow my grandparent's yard I would get a can of beer. By the time I turned 15 my life was pretty much all about partying and chasing girls something I watched my dad do throughout my younger years. Then at the age of 17, I met a young lady after 6 short months I found myself married.

 By the age of 18, I became a father for the first time by the time I was 21 my second child was born. By the age of 22, I was separated due to cheating on my wife. During my separation, I met another young woman and moved in with her this relationship lasted until my accident which left me paralyzed.

I was 24 when my swimming accident happened. This completely turned my life upside down. I was paralyzed from the chest down with no movement except for blinking my eyes. I spent four months in the hospital rehabilitating on how to prepare and learn to live life as a quadriplegic. When I was released from the hospital I moved in with my mom and younger brother so that my mom could be my caretaker and also help me with my daughters.

Unfortunately by coming back to Manteca put me right back where I was prior to my accident hanging out with friends drinking doing drugs and chasing women. After three years I decided it was time to call it quits. Knowing that I needed to get my life together for my future and for my daughter's future. So I decided to ask God for help I prayed that he would give a sign that my life could be different.

Six months later I meet a young lady who had a one-year-old son I thought to myself yes my prayer had been answered. We started dating and things were great we got along had a lot in common and enjoyed being together. She was good with my daughters and my daughters liked her.

My life finally felt complete so after 9 months I asked her to marry me we were married on June 3rd, 1989. In July 1990 we had a daughter our family was now complete. Even though our marriage was stable we both continued to fall into a partying circle.

It wasn’t until years later when our oldest daughter decided she wanted to start attending church that we were invited to come and watch her be baptized This was around the middle of 2014. As we walked through the doors of the House Modesto church pastor Glenn was preaching on generational curses this was definitely something that both my wife and I struggled within our lives but never really knew until that day.

On our way home that day we couldn’t stop talking about what we had heard because it had definitely penetrated both mine and my wife’s heart. At that moment we decided to make The House Modesto our home church. We continued to go every Sunday morning to the 11:00 am service. We both surrendered and left everything at the Lord’s feet.

I volunteered as a greeter for 3 years. I joined a men’s ministry which was called K.M.M. (Kingdom Men Ministry) where I was also greeted. In 2015 I was baptized and in 2016 I was commissioned in my curriculum class. In 2017 at one of our men’s meetings for kingdom men’s ministry another Christian brother from S.O.T.C. was attending our meeting and prior to the meeting we spent time fellowshipping and sharing our testimonies to one another briefly. After sharing a little bit of my testimony I was asked by the vice president of the S.O.T.C. if I would like to join their ministry. Because I was struggling with some health problems and my accountability and dedication could not be 100%. I had to wait until my accountability could be 100% as well as my dedication.

On November 27, 2019, my accountability was on target and I was ready for my calling to step into a more aggressive men’s ministry which was the S.O.T.C. (soldiers of the cross) ministry so I could help continue to further the kingdom of God. This has been one the best decision I have made not only am I helping further the kingdom of God but I have met some real amazing God-fearing men that have shown me the true meaning of brothers in Christ.