Geovanny Arellano

I was raised catholic until I was around 12 or so I stopped going to church and started to live in the world. Idolizing money, success and being someone in this world.

When I was 22 I started working at a new jobsite in Sacramento on my first day I was paired up with a journeyman who was known for being an a**.  For the first 4 hours of our shift no one bothered us and he started asking me if I believed in God. I told him I believe there's a God somewhere but we determined our own path of life. Well this guy for 4 hours was the most loving person I had ever met and he shared the gospel with me and the truth about God and Jesus.

Soon after I decided to take that step and started to attend a church and listening to the bible on the Bible app. After that day I have seen God move in my life to slowly take the selfishness out of my heart and put people in my path “as iron sharpens iron” to help me grow with Christ. To understand that the plans that God has for my life and my family are more than I can ever imagine.

He has given me an amazing wife who also chases after Gods heart.

Knowing and having a relationship with Christ my lord and savior has given me peace that just makes no sense.