Henry Knowles

My name is Henry Knowles.

I was born and raised in Turlock, CA. My parents separated when I was only four years old, so I was raised by my mom and my sister in a loving and respectful Christian home. My dad came around every now and then to take me to sporting events, etc.

I started in a Christian school where I learned about the birth of Jesus and what our purpose is in life, understanding right from wrong.

The decision I chose, led to gangs, drugs, alcohol, and sex outside of marriage. I knew what was right and what was wrong, but I still chose to do wrong.

I was serving two masters, with one foot in the church and one in the world being a counterfeit Christian. James 1:22 says “be ye doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”

After drinking and driving for 14 years I found myself back in jail for a couple of months. I felt the Lord saying “give it to me,” so I put both feet in the church, not one, and God removed all the things that I had been trying to do on my own for 14 years.

Giving my life back to the Lord was the best thing ever. Now I just want to reach the lost and tell them the good news about Jesus and what we are put on this earth to do.

Your faith will be tested once you submit. The battle has just begun.

Being a part of SOTC is a blessing. God only knew where I needed to be, in a group of brothers on fire for Jesus holding each other up and accountable for our actions.